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  Balsam Lake Mt Wild Forest
The Catskill 67



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In the Catskills there are thirty-five peaks that are over 3,500 feet in elevation and are noted in the Catskill 3500 Club. The Catskill 67 are the next highest peaks in the Catskills, of which, 63 are over 3,000 feet in elevation. These peaks are featured in a hiking guide, The Catskill 67, a recommended book from the ADK Mountain Club. Woodpecker Ridge at 3460 feet is the 38th highest point in the Catskills, or #3 for the Catskill 67.

To reach Woodpecker Ridge features a bushwhack after a hike along the Mill Brook Ridge Trail, which coincides with the Finger Lakes Trail. To get more info on this trail check out our info at Finger Lakes Trail - Mill Brook Ridge.  The best place to start your bushwhack is from the Mill Brook Ridge Trail, directly north of Woodpecker Ridge. The summit is covered with trees, so don't expect any views except when the leaves are off the trees.

Woodpecker Ridge is located in the Balsam Lake Mountain Wild Forest of the Catskill Forest Preserve. To get more info on this hike and other Catskill 67 hikes, we recommend purchasing the hiking guide The Catskill 67. Look below for a topographic map of Woodpecker Ridge to help assist in planning your adventure.


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