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Hiking in Cortland County
North Country Trail

Maxon Creek
State Forest
& Midlum Hill


This section of the North Country Trail begins at the point where the NCT "breaks" away from the Finger Lakes Trail in Cuyler Hill State Forest.  There are many spectacular views along this 5.1 mile section of trail.  This is also the start of the Onondaga Trail, which will take the NCT to the Link Trail in Tioughnioga WMA and on to Canastota.

The Onondaga Trail is maintained by the Adirondack Mountain Club's Onondaga Chapter.  If you'd like to join the ADK-Onondaga Chapter check out their website.  There are many views that will surprise many who are unfamiliar of this part of Central New York.  It is well worth exploring. A part of the trail in this section does cross through PRIVATE PROPERTY.  Please respect landowners rights and stay on the trail.  There is also a section of the trail in which the land owner requests hikers be quiet during hunting season.  See below for more information.

Check below for a topo map, satellite map and description of this section of the trail.  There are also pictures as well as video from this section of the North Country National Scenic Trail. 
Mileage Elevation Trail Description
0.0 1918 feet

Stoney Brook Rd.  Parking.  Follow white blazes north.

0.1 1945 feet

Three Trails JCT.  Junction of the blue blazed Onondaga Trail.  The North Country Trail now follows the Onondaga Trail.  Turn left and follow blue blazes. The orange blazed Chippewa Falls Trail dead ends in 1.4 miles at the waterfall.


0.3 1904 feet

Reach Stoney Brook Road and turn right following road.  Views. 

0.5 1835 feet

Turn right on Cuyler Hill Road

1.0 1740 feet

Junction of Midlum Rd.  Veer straight (left) and follow Midlum Road.

1.1 1785 feet

Where road turns left, soon trail leaves road on right following farm road, then another right along fence.  Soon pass a very old cemetery.  You are hiking on PRIVATE PROPERTY.

1.8 1886 feet

Cross pipeline right of way and views to your right. 

1.9 1881 feet

Entering section of trail where landowner requests that hikers are QUIET during big game hunting season (OCT 1 - DEC 31).

2.1 1968 feet

Reach Midlum Hill Spur Rd.  Views.  Trail turns right and follows old road downhill.

2.5 1684 feet

Entering Maxon Creek State Forest.

3.1 1510 feet

Orange Blazed Irish Hollow Trail on your left (dead end trail).  Begin to ascend.

3.8 1776 feet

Begin the sometimes steep descent toward NY 13.  Soon leave state forest & enter PRIVATE PROPERTY. Trail is CLOSED for HUNTING from 10/1-12/31.

4.6 1252 feet

Trail turns left and follows stream for a short time.

4.9 1221 feet

Trail turns left away from stream.

5.0 1229 feet

Trail turns right.  You are passing Cuyler Cemetery.  Did you notice the old railroad bed?

5.1 1199 feet

Reach NY 13.  Parking.

CNY Hiking HOME PAGE North Country Trail in CNY Maxon Creek State Forest
Onondaga Trail Hiking in Cortland County Hiking in Central New York

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