CNY Hiking HOME PAGE Onondaga Trail Best of the NCT in NY - Kinney Hill NCT in Central New York Hiking in Madison County
Hiking in Madison County
North Country Trail
Onondaga Trail

Deruyter State Forest
& Kinney Hill


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This section of the North Country Trail starts off East Lake Road near Deruyter Lake just south of the intersection of Dam Rd.  The NCT has just left Highland Forest County Park and followed Dam Rd.  At the junction of East Lake Road (at the stop sign) the trail turns right and follows East Lake Rd.  There is parking 0.2 miles south on the left along East Lake Road (there is a small sign for the parking area).  This section begins here.

There are some views of Deruyter Lake as the NCT ascends up switchbacks.  After one mile the trail enters Deruyter State Forest.  This is a newer section of the NCT.  The trail crosses two seasonal dirt roads in Deruyter State Forest.  The first is the rough Stanton Rd and the second is a better seasonal dirt Tromp Road.  

Prior to reaching Tromp Road there are orange flags (May 2010) that lead to a small parking area.  Looks like this will become a blazed access trail.  This parking area is just off Tromp Road.  There is a small pond near the small parking area. 

After crossing Tromp Road you'll reach the longest lasting unofficial flagged portion of the North Country Trail.  This 0.5 mile section of trail between Tromp Road and Fairbanks Road was first flagged in 2007 (seems longer).  After logging operations in the area in 2007-2009, this part remains an unofficial section.  The trail ends up at Fairbanks Road as it leaves Deruyter State Forest

You may notice flags for a future relocation on private property expected to be open to hikers in the fall of 2010 to coincide with the "official" opening of the 0.5 mile section in Deruyter State Forest.  For now continue to follow the current path and blue blazes.

The trail follows Fairbanks Road for a short while before turning off the road at Armstrong Pond and enters private property.  This beauty of this pond will have you thinking that you are in the Adirondacks, not in New Woodstock.  Please stay on the trail and respect the private landowners rights.  It is their generosity that allows hikers to enjoy this trail.  Puncheons bring you across a wet boggy area.  Soon there is a trail register.

The North Country Trail skirts Kinney Hill and there is a short spur "trail" that you'll have to climb over a stile, that leads 150 feet to a fantastic view.  There are only a few orange flags and I saw no orange blazes on 10/6/09.  The views are fantastic.  There are views all the way to Cazenovia Lake, plus of the valley below and the next hill that the trail climbs across NY 13.

The trail briefly comes out of the woods, following along the edge of a field.  Soon the trail reenters the woods and makes a sharp right turn.  This begins a 450 foot descent using numerous switchbacks toward Webber Road.  There a couple views on the descent where the trail leaves the woods and skirts an old ski slope.  There is a topo map, a video, trail description and pictures below from this section of trail. 

We have also included a video below of the section of the trail from Fairbanks Rd to Webber Rd.  This 1.6 mile section of the trail we feel is one of the best sections of the NCT in NY.  We also have a video of the trail from E Lake Rd to Tromp Rd below.

This section of the NCT coincides with the Onondaga Trail.  The Onondaga Trail is maintained by the Onondaga Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club.  This hiking club has added many miles to this trail over the last few years, bringing the current total to over 40 miles.

View of Deruyter Lake from along the trail

North Country Trail entering Deruyter State Forest
Mile Elevation Description
0.0 1359 feet

Parking area on East Lake Road, follow blue blazes, turn right and soon pass a trail register.

0.1 1382 feet

Cross stream, soon begin ascending.  (look for the deer stands and soon a small waterfall below on left)

0.3 1553 feet

Enter an area that has signs of recent logging. 

0.7 1683 feet

Views of DeRuyter Lake & Arab Hill through the trees. 

1.0 1793 feet

Reach DeRuyter State Forest Boundary.

1.2 1792 feet

Corn field on left.  Partial views when corn isn't too high. 

1.5 1680 feet

Cross under power lines.

1.6 1635 feet

Cross small stream.  Soon cross seasonal dirt Stanton Road.

2.0 1848 feet

Side trail leads to small parking area off Tromp Road and small pond.

2.1 1852 feet

Cross seasonal dirt Tromp Road.  The highest point in this section. 

2.6 1659 feet

Reach seasonal dirt Fairbanks Rd.  NCT turns left & follows the road for 0.2 mile.

2.8 1680 feet

Trail turns right off road and passes by Armstrong Pond.  You are now hiking on Private Property.

3.4 1830 feet

Use the stile and follow the Orange flags on your right for 150 feet to a fantastic view.   The views go as far as Cazenovia Lake. Soon begin to descend.

4.0 1519 feet

Cross a stile.

4.1 1464 feet

View from old ski slope.

4.3 1374 feet

Second view (partial) from old ski slope.

4.5 1296 feet

Reach parking area & Webber Road.



CNY Hiking HOME PAGE Onondaga Trail Best of the NCT in NY - Kinney Hill NCT in Central New York Hiking in Madison County

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