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Blue Ridge Parkway Round Meadow Creek Loop Trail
This twenty minute leg stretcher located at the Round Meadow Overlook at milepost 179.2 of the Blue Ridge Parkway is a short 0.5 mile loop hike along a rushing mountain creek. From the overlook, take the right fork of the paved path.
The paved path soon becomes gravel as it meanders down over water bars and log steps. During late May - early June the rhododendron and mountain laurel blooms make the trail even more beautiful. You should start hearing the creek below soon after leaving the overlook.
Sign at overlook pointing the way to this leg stretcher
Veering left the trail descends to a sharp right switchback that brings you to the creek bank. The trail turns left at the trail post and follow an old road grade along the creek. The Parkway span is high above as you walk under the bridge. Soon after passing the bridge a second trail post is letting you know to turn left off the old road grade.
A pine needle covered trail takes you into a white pine and hemlock forest. The trail turns left as it climbs somewhat steeply as you head back toward the Parkway. The bridge you passed under comes into view and the trail now becomes paved as you pass under the Parkway. Turn right at the junction and your back at the overlook.
There is a map of the hike below. There is an elevation change of 100 feet for this easy hike. This hike is featured in the hiking guide book Hiking the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Mountain Laurel lines the edge of Round Meadow Creek
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