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Hiking in Wayne County New York State Parks Chimney Bluffs
At Chimney Bluffs State Park you'll experience some of the most dramatic landscapes on the Lake Ontario shoreline. You can explore massive earthen spires from above or along the lakeshore, but don't get too close to the edge of the cliffs as the ground can be unstable. This day use park has picnic areas, hiking trails and restrooms.
There is no entry fee to enter this park. The area is almost like a scene from the Planet of the Ape movies. Below is a park trail map plus look for two short videos of the bluff. We also have included a list of the hiking trails as well as a suggested hike below.
So head out to Chimney Bluffs State Park, bring a picnic basket, some charcoal, hot dogs and have a picnic and then head out to hike some of the trails to explore this truly unique and beautiful park. This park has some great sunsets. You'll find more info at the NY State Parks website. Also check out the Park Trail Map.
Directions to Chimney Bluffs State Park
From NY 104: travel north on Bluff Rd. to the park entrance off Garner Rd. There is also a entrance to the Bluff Trail at the end of East Bay Road, which is off Garner Road.
Hiking Trails at Chimney Bluffs State Park
Bluff Trail (1.25 miles) - This is the trail that travels at times along the edge of the Bluffs. Don't get too close to the edge! This trail is accessed by walking from the main parking area along the grass toward the lake or from the Drumlins Trail or Garner Point Trail or at the end of East Bay Road.
Drumlin Trail (0.75 miles) - This trail ascends from Garner Road, passing by the East-West Trail, climbing on the drumlin and ends at the Bluff Trail.
Garner Point Trail (0.5 miles) - This trail travels from the East-West Trail to Garner Point on Lake Ontario. The Bluff Trail also ends on this trail near Garner Point.
East-West Trail (1.75 miles) - This trail, which at times is a mowed path, travels parallel to Garner Road. The trail crosses the main picnic area path and ends at East Bay Road as well as the park boundary.
Picnic Area Path - This trail travels from the parking area through the picnic area toward Lake Ontario. A branch trail gives hikers access to the Bluff Trail and Garner Point Trail.
Suggested loop hike: From the parking area, head down the picnic area path to the crossing of the East-West Trail (near restrooms). This is a mowed path that leads off to your right. Follow the East-West Trail to the Drumlin Trail. Turn left and ascend on the Drumlin Trail in an evergreen forest.
At the end of the Drumlin Trail turn left on the Bluff Trail. There is one of a few overlooks near the junction of the trails. Follow the Bluff Trail back down toward the picnic area. Turn left when you reach the picnic area and soon follow the picnic area path back to the parking area.
Be sure to take care near the edge of the bluff as the ground is not very stable. Hikers have been seriously injured from falls off the cliff. The view is good enough without having to get up to the edge. We have a map of our hike below.
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