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Blue Ridge Parkway in NC Devil's Courthouse Courthouse Falls
Located at milepost 422.4 of the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Devil's Courthouse has a short but strenuous trail climbing a half mile to its peak where panoramic views can be seen. The mostly paved trail starts from the overlook beside the mountain. The views are awesome!
According to the sign at the Devil's Courthouse Overlook:
"The bare rock profile named Devil's Courthouse is sinister in appearance and legend. It's "devilish" look has contributed to the many folk tales surrounding this mountain. Within the mountain is a cave where, legend claims, the devil holds court. In Cherokee lore, this cave is the private dancing chamber and dwelling place of the slant-eyed giant, Judaculla.
Despite its name and reputation, Devil's Courthouse is home to rare and delicate high-altitude plants. If you walk the one-half-mile route to the summit, please stay on the trail. Rare plants, like the Rock Gnome Lichen and the Spreading Avens, live on Devil's Courthouse. Some of these alpine species may be remnants from the last glacial period. The panoramic view from the summit includes four states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee."
The moderate to strenuous hike to the 5720 foot summit of Devil's Courthouse has an elevation gain of 258 feet. Although it's steep, this largely paved path is rewarding. The rock wall encircled overlook atop the Courthouse offers spectacular views. To the east is the plummet down into the Carolina Piedmont. To the west is the crest of the Shining Rock Wilderness, one of the most popular hiking destinations along the whole Parkway.
Leave the parking area and soon enter the woods. The woods are full of high elevation Canadian zone forest of spruce, fir and birch. The paved trail ascends steeply, with ribbed water breaks to divert the deluges. The pavement ends where the Mountain To Sea Trail veers left to cross the top of the tunnel on its way toward the Art Loeb Trail and the Shining Rock Wilderness Area.
The unpaved Devil's Courthouse Trail wanders to the right, ascending stone steps to a wall enclosed viewing area that includes devises to assist in naming the distant peaks and views. Rock gnome lichen grows on the rocky summit and peregrines have been known to nest just under the overlook.
Look around at your spectacular 360 degree views after just 0.5 miles of hiking on this tougher than usual Parkway leg stretcher. To return, simply retrace your steps. This hike is featured in the hiking guide book Hiking the Blue Ridge Parkway. This is one of those must do hikes along the Parkway.
The Courthouse Falls are located off NC 215 and then a winding drive along gravel FSR 140. There are several primitive campsites along this road. There is a small parking area near the falls. This is a beautiful and secluded 45 foot waterfall. It's worth the short drive off the Parkway to visit this waterfall.
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