Developed Areas Along the Parkway

Virginia BRP Highlights Blue Ridge Parkway
Blue Ridge Parkway

Big Spy

Whetstone Ridge


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At milepost 26.4 of the Blue Ridge Parkway is the Big Spy Overlook.  The paved Big Spy Trail from the parking area leads 0.1 mile to a bench in an open field/pasture with great views.  The paved trail becomes a gravel trail prior to the bench. This mountain was used by Union sympathizers during the Civil War.  The open pasture on the mountain was also known as War Fields due to arrowheads found in the soil.  The top of the hill is a great spot for a picnic (I should know, my wife and I ate our lunch at this great spot when we visited).

Just a bit further south at milepost 29 is the Whetstone Ridge Trail. This moderate 12 mile US Forest Service managed trail runs directly along the spine of the ridge for 8 miles of breathtaking views.  It is more popular as a mountain bike trail than a hiking trail.  Never less, you will probably be the only person on this trail.  It's worth exploring.

Whetstone Ridge Panorama


Developed Areas Along the Parkway

Virginia BRP Highlights Blue Ridge Parkway

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