Developed Areas Along the Parkway

Virginia BRP Highlights Blue Ridge Parkway
Blue Ridge Parkway

Indian Gap

Indian Rocks


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The origin of the name "Indian Gap" is uncertain.  The Indian Gap Parking Area is located at milepost 47.5 of the Blue Ridge Parkway, almost two miles south of the US 60 junction.  The parking area is for the Indian Gap Trail.  This classic Blue Ridge Parkway leg stretcher takes you to some huge boulders called Indian Rocks.

The trailhead is on the north end of the parking area. Take the well worn path to the jumble of huge boulders.  Some of the boulders are the size of small homes.  This is a great place to explore with the many boulders.  As you do this hike, you may begin to wonder where did all these boulders come from?  They seem to have been just dropped from the sky.

There are numerous herd paths, so it can be hard to find the main trail to finish the loop.  However the parkway is not too far off.  This popular easy hike is 0.3 miles long.  It is featured in the hiking guide book Hiking the Blue Ridge Parkway.  See if you can notice the old railroad grade while your doing this hike.

Me at Indian Rocks


Developed Areas Along the Parkway

Virginia BRP Highlights Blue Ridge Parkway

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